Sunday, February 24, 2013

Scaredy Squirrel Book Trailer

My third and final (for now!) book trailer is based on the book Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt.  This is another picture book that has great illustrations and a funny story line.  View the trailer below and leave your comments for me! :)

Bats in the Library Book Trailer

One of my very favorite books I've discovered this semester was from our first module.  The book is titled Bats in the Library (so I'm sure you can understand what lead me to choose it in the first place) and was written by Brian Lies.  The book has adorable illustrations and is cleverly written.  Get a taste by watching my book trailer, and let me know what you think in the comments!

Owl Moon Book Trailer

One of the projects for my Literature for Youth course is to make three book trailers.  I have chosen to make trailers for three of the picture books I have read so far this semester, because they have been some of the books I have enjoyed the most.  My first book trailer is based on the book Owl Moon, by Jane Yolen.  Let me know what you think in the comments!

Many apologies!

I have become overwhelmed with life and school this semester, so I am woefully behind on blogging my book reviews.  Expect to be flooded with new reviews of children and young adult books the week of March 10!  In the meantime, I will be posting my first 3 book trailers tonight.  Keep an eye out!